In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful
Surely, you have heard something about Manah unless you are not Omani. However, have you visited this lovely town? Do you know much about it? I advice you to read through and get some interesting information about this town. You may, first of all be wondering why I choose Manah to be my topic. The answer is simply because it is my town. It could be the best place in my heart but different people would see it from different directions. A judgement of what is the best is an objective judgement and people may disagree with my personal feeling
Manah is a town in the inner part of Oman or what is called AlDakhiliah Region. It is boarded with Nizwa in the northwest. Manah is tangential with Adam in the southwest and with Izki in the northeast.
The population of Manah is estimated to be ten thousands. Manah itself is divided into around seven small villages, four of them are located nearby each other and the other three are separated away from the centre. These seven villages are as follows :
1- AlBilad: This is in the centre of Manah; this small village contains the liveliest marketing in the whole town. That is AlBilad Suq. Most of the infrastructure in Manah is found in its centre, AlBilad. AlAbdalies are the major occupier of this village.
2- AlFiqieen: This village is the entrance of the town. It is known by its Falaj which waters most of its and AlBilad’s arable land. AlFiqieen’s Falaj never gets dry, even in the extreme dry session. The major occupiers of AlFiqieen are AlBusaidies.
3- AlM’ra: This village is said to be the most productive land concerning the agriculture products. Abu Nikhelah and Al’weega are the most well known land producing agriculture in AlM’ra. The village contains a unique tree called AlMitk tree, which is the flag of the town. AlTobies and AlHiges are the major occupiers of AlM’ra.
4- Ma’med: This is a village of AlSulimani Trip. It is known by its Falaj, which is AlSugrieen Falaj.
5- AlsMahull: This is a village of the badu, some of its residents still live in houses made of palm lives. It is the entrance of the town for AlSharqia entrant. Most of its residents are Algunibee
6- Ezz: This village is known by its famous desert, which is known as Seah AlBarakat. One of its famous buildings is Alshamokh Tour or what’s called sultan Qaboos Fort. AlSulimanies are the major occupiers of this village.
7- Mitan: This is far away from the centre. Most of its occupiers are Badu.
Manah is a deep historic Place seen in its tours, forts and old villages within the town. It was founded million years ago before the age of Malik Bin Fahem as the evidence shows that he came after the collapse of Marib Dam to this village 2000 BP. He settled in Manah and dug a Falaj and named it Falaj Malik.
The green Manah is situated behind Abu Surug Mountain and AlWadakah Mountain. These two mountains are a natural dam and stone barrier, which was used by Malik to fight Alfurs in the Saloot Battle.
Manah is well known by AlEwaga land, which is famous as an agriculture productive land since it is used to produce a high quality of oats. That is because of the abandon of water and the appropriate climate which let oats, been, sugar trees and lots of other agriculture products to be produced.
Burj AlGuss is tour on the north gate of the AlBilad old village. It is a seven floors tour, however, part of it has damaged as a result of a natural hazard.
This is a distinct, integer and old village shows the excellent construction of the ancient Omanis. It has interested a searcher when he established a special gallery movable between world’s capitals.
This mosque was rebuilt ten years ago. The original mosque was built on the tenth century (after profit emigration). As well as AlGame’, there are three other mosques in Harat AlBilad. These mosques was built in coincide times on the tenth century (after profit emigration) when Oman had lots of artists.